Adjusting Self Care Routines for the Seasons

As the entire nation is getting hit with an extreme heart wave, there are some self-care routines that may make it difficult for our styles to survive in such heat or other extreme weather depending on where you are in the nation.
Let’s explore some quick and easy tips and recommendations on ways to adjust self-care routines for extreme weather seasons.
In many weather situations, it is best to keep your body and hair hydrated regardless if it is winter or summer. Dry skin or hair is never the best option as it will cause cracking or irritation of the skin and brittle hair. For some, however, especially during the summer weather, keeping skin hydrated may cause an issue with sweat coming to play. In cases such as these, focus more on moisturizing the skin and possibly using baby powder to keep moisture levels down to prevent from too much sweat being created.
Regardless of the weather, it is still important to drink as much water as possible daily. Water will help keep the body and hair hydrated from within during the weather but will also prevent skin from drying out during the harsh cold winters.
Another great recommendation for self-care tips during extreme weather would be to get as much summer as possible. The Sun provides a significant source of vitamin D when paired with sunscreen. No matter your ethnic background, sunscreen usage during the summer and winter to protect against the sun rays is recommended to be placed into any self care routine.
We hope you take these tips and recommendations into mind as we move further within the year.
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