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Building Social Media Presence

Building Social Media Presence

Social media influencers and brand owners often are trying to heighten their presence on social media platforms to keep followers engaged and gain new ones. Knowing what your followers enjoy and what other types of content keep them engaged is very important in this day and age of social media. 

Here are some tips on how to heighten your social media presence:

-Be active and consistent: keeping up with daily or even weekly content will give the audience something to look forward to and will help establish a community with your followers.

-Check current trends: know what is trending and actually working within your audience type; what do they respond to the most?

-Identify your audience: know who your content/brand speaks to and for, what do they look like and think about, do your passions align with theirs?

-Set goals: know what the end goal of all your content is; are you promoting something? Are you bringing awareness to a topic or issue? How do you want to engage your audience?

-Stay authentic: keep in mind why you started this brand, why you are using this platform, what do you stand for and keep to those answers? Losing sight of why or who you or your brand is will cause issues within your brand and even within your audience. 

-Link your website to your platforms: show your audience where they can find you outside of social media, link them to a different website that showcases your brand or more of who you are. 

Best of luck and happy posting!






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