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Importance of Protective Styles

Importance of Protective Styles

Whether it is the summer or winter, vacation or staying home, long or short; protective styles are something every Black person knows about and spends time and money on getting done. But what are they exactly and why are they so important?

Protective styles are hair styles that help protect a person’s real hair from the elements of harsh weather. They are also used as an aid in hair growth and overall management of hair. Many people have protective styles done, in terms of hair management, to keep their hair away from their faces or in the way of getting everyday tasks done. Hair growth with proactive styling can occur due to low manipulation of real hair and keeping moisture as well. Some additional benefits of protective styles are the uniqueness of them, being for everyone, options in longevity, and can build confidence. 

With the benefits and joys of protective style, there are several protective styles Black people have created, updated, and profited from being used and seen throughout history. Braids and twists, being the most notable of protective styles, done for centuries to help express emotions, tell stories, and even map out escape routes for slaves. Weaves and wigs are another protective style type where Black people show their creativity. From various hair shows, hair magazines, products, and trends, weaves and wigs can turn any person into anyone they want to be.

In more recent years, styles such as Faux locs and crochet braids have proven to be protective styles that cover areas such as convenience in being easy to do, less time consuming, and stylish. People can now have various types of styles people felt would take years to grow or achieve in a matter of hours. Natural hair protective styling such as flat twist, braid outs, and twist outs, for example, are great ways for Black people to show their natural curls and coils. These styles help with weekly maintenance and tracking hair growth, while showing how to take care of the hair we have. 

Protective styles prove to be a great way to express oneself while protecting the hair we were born with. Some very important details for protective styles are to keep hair moisturized, clean, and to enjoy the style overall.

Happy styling! 

#Blackhair #natural #naturalhair #protectivestyles #winter #braids #wigs #weaves








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