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Making the Perfect Social Media Post

Making the Perfect Social Media Post

Is there a such thing as the perfect social media post? 

This may be subjective to each person or business, however, the questions still stand of if there has ever been a perfect social media post which was executed correcting and has metrics that match the effort and strategy execution. According to H2O Media, the perfect social media post would follow these rules:

-Use an Image

-Pick the right time to post

-Stay Positive

-Be informative

-Provide a link

-Use call-to-action (CTA)



-Make it mobile friendly

-Use hashtags

Considering that most social media post use these rules and come out with a variety of metrics, having the perfect social media post may just come down to virality. With issues on social media such as shadow banning, even with the rule of posting at a right time may still have a chance of not meeting the metrics needed for a “perfect” post. One area that may work for creating the “perfect” post would be to post on multiple social media platforms. This will allow for more eyes to have seen your post and can also show how versatile a business or brand is with saying the same thing or making the same post to fit the various rules and regulations of various platforms. 

What else do you think makes the “perfect” post? Let us know in the comments below.




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