Our Roots - Your Roots are Royal Campaign

There is much to say about the Black experience. We are resilient as a people and strong as a culture. Our influence can be seen through every aspect of history - past, present, and future. Although many people would like to disagree, the Black culture is the blueprint of all forms of culture.
As complex as our history stands, we continue to carry along various symbols of our Blackness throughout history. Starting from the motherlands of Africa, we came from multiple lineages of Kings, Queens, and other royalty who have contributed to the riches of the continent and its history. The multitude of power and strength highlighted within the 6,000-year history grows from the roots of our hair regardless of how it is styled; we hold an eminent amount of power at the very top of our heads.
Knowing who you are runs deeper than the surface level. Standing in your power of self-knowledge and understanding comes with great responsibility. Surrounding yourself with daily reminders of who you are, where you come from, and where you have yet to go allows more insight into self-identity and beyond. We must attribute all forms of Black culture we know today to the previous forms of the revolution that has withstood the test of time. We are strengthening every day while still holding onto what we, as a people and culture, remember bringing us here.
"Your roots are royal. "
Bring your mind, body, heart, and soul into celebrating your roots with these special playlists below.
Apple: https://music.apple.com/us/playlist/your-roots-are-royal/pl.u-EdAVkl3TDrV6rR1
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5gXmhmxrWcTFRBr6zhk05J?si=67dff6938f2d4269