Why is Fashion Important?

In society, image is very important to identifying who a person is and what they align with. From a person’s tone of voice, music they listen to, and even shows they watch; there are several ways to see what a person aligns with. A person’s fashion, or way that they dress, is the unique way a person shows their personality through clothing and accessories and the way they present these items in how they fit on their body. Many people also include “statement pieces” or items they believe are the highlight of their outfits. However, what is it that makes fashion important to each individual in society?
Fashion, through every era in history, helps to set the tone of life as it is or was.. It is crucial to history and highlights how life was and where it is going now. Clothing has shown to serve a purpose and is a basic human need. Fashion, throughout history, has helped groups of people break society normal, solidify traditions, increase confidence, spark creativity, tell stories, and make a difference.
A major component of fashion is the heights in which it has reached over the eras where it does often repeat itself, however, can also be just as unique as its predecessors. Fashion can highlight the richness of its source and the luxury of its wearer. However, a clothing item is perceived, it can have multiple uses or wears for a variety of people.
With being a $3 trillion industry, there are many areas of fashion that include various parts of society in order to allow the industry to flourish. From the technology needed to produce clothing items, to the creative process of marketing items to customers, to the delivery services needed to ship items globally; every part of society is needed to help fashion thrive. Many find community in building fashion, or even within the destruction of it. Staying up to date with various trends can be a full-time experience, which can be as rewarding as finding and purchasing the item itself.
Whatever your fashion style is, there is always some level of importance to it within society.
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Photo Sources: https://kirkleeslocaltv.com/news/why-is-fashion-important-to-society/