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Building Motivation to Exercise

Building Motivation to Exercise

Are you losing motivation to exercise? Do you loathe getting up to go to the gym? Many people reach a motivation plateau with exercising, especially when not physically seeing results or being stuck by what the scale reads. 

Here are some tips on how to stay motivated to exercise:

-Set new goals: adjust your fitness goals to help make exercising feel refreshing. 

-Stay away from the scale: look at more of how you feel emotionally, mentally, and physically before looking at the scale; the scale can be our worst enemy while working out. You could build muscle rather than losing weight sometimes - regardless you look great!

-Stick to a schedule: set a time during your day consistently so your body builds memory of being active during that time every day. 

-Incorporate fun: find exercises and activities that you find fun or enjoy helping take the worry out of exercise.

-Reward yourself: treat yourself to something nice (and even healthy) to look forward to after working out; build upon those rewards for when you hit personal records in your fitness journey to help your mind feel better about exercise.

-Find a partner: working out with someone can help make workouts fun and helps set up someone to hold you accountable.

Now let’s use these tips to get back on track with our goals today! Let’s get to work!







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