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HomeComing Press Release 1

HomeComing Press Release 1

The tradition of Homecoming is known within the American school system that welcomes graduated alumnus of an institution back to campus to join in celebration of that institution's traditions and history.  

For us, Homecoming is a call to celebrate our origins of the motherland; a call to return home and give thanks to those who have come before us and the traditions that have shaped all of us in the diaspora.

Highlighting the emphasis of water as an element of African spirituality, life, healing amongst other aspects of life; We consider water a connection to being called back to the motherland. Water returns us home - touching the land, standing in the waters, basking in the sun connects you to your ancestry in a way that cannot be put into words, calling you back home. 

The importance of water to Africa is seen throughout as it is all over the continent. The very essence of water plays directly into Africa’s fertility of crop fields and all other animals and beings throughout the land. Water is the true source of life. 

Water is powerful. 

Water is peace. 

Water is the beginning and the end. 

The waters of the motherland are calling you home.

Become one with the water. It connects the lands of the earth to each other, the mountains with the valleys, the plants to the animals and water connects us to the earth itself. 

Collect a bit of home by shopping our Legacy Collection and check out the HomeComing Apple Music and Spotify playlist. 

#HomeComing #3KGHomecoming

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