Setting Positive Intentions

Changing your mindset takes plenty of work, especially when negative thoughts often come to turn amazing events into bad ones because of inner feelings that are not true. Setting positive intentions can be a great way to change a mindset from negative to positive.
Starting with these tips can help you live the life you have always planned to. Here are some steps to setting positive intentions:
-Make your intentions clear: write what you want for yourself and your life, set clear goals, values and affirmations. Also, write steps down on how you will become the person who follows those intentions.
-Set reminder: whether it is leaving post-it notes or saying goals/values/affirmations you have with your intentions often, set a simple reminder of your intentions in order to believe who you plan to become.
-Dismiss the old way of thinking: simply stated; let go of any negative thoughts that will keep you from hitting your goals, values, or affirmations you set.
-Be accountable: set a timeline for the goals you set after mapping out what and how achieving those goals will look like for you.
-Reward yourself: give your grace and rewards for the wins you make towards changing your mindset. This will help train your brain to accept the changes you want to make.
Another great way to set and feel positive is through your clothing and appearance. Shop 3KINGS Grooming to also begin living in your Royal light.
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