How Fashion Shapes Culture?

In a similar aspect that fashion helps shape identity, fashion also has a large impact on cultures and how it’s formed. Fashion helps build a culture’s social status, religious standing, and even ways of living. Basic examples of this can be found in how civilizations have used various animals to create clothing - where the larger the animal the higher status the person may have access to.
Fashion and culture have deep-rooted connections with history. Throughout the years, fashion has changed within culture to represent the moves from one way of thinking to another. An example in the United States would be the switch to women wearing trousers after World War II; women wearing trousers/pants also signaled the change of women being included in more industrial jobs because of the amount of men placed into the war. Another aspect of fashion that represents change or shift in culture would be Middle Eastern women wearing hijabs and the various changes this religious trend has taken over the years.
Fashion and culture often depend on each other as society helps influence culture (and vice versa) causing changes in what trends are considered popular or time friendly. Culture helps determine various factors of fashion, such as fabrics and designs; these areas can help many people determine where exactly they are in the world simply from looking around at the fashion near them.
Many cultures and fashion have assisted in establishing personal style as well. In mixing various cultural styles, people have created their own unique sense of style, often mixing traditional items with more modern pieces. This is largely evident in cultures from Africa, Asia, and the Middle East.
Whatever your fashion style is, find ways to make it your own through incorporating your culture into it. Every person has their own style and their own culture!
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