WFH Fashion Tips

Office fashion has now changed due to remote or work from home roles becoming the new norm. Many found joy in working from their laptops or home desktops in their pajamas until it comes time for work meetings where cameras are required to be on.
As seen through social media and other funny work from home stories, people believe in keeping the “business on top, party/sleep on the bottom” fashion references by having button up shirts and pajama bottoms since many cameras only show from the waist up. However, there are many comfortable yet still office appropriate fashion tips from those who work from home.
- Be aware of industry standards: Keeping aware of what industry dress standards are required for your role and WFH standards can also help in seeing how each person can keep their WFH wardrobes comfortable.
- Comfort is important: Although working from home, comfortable clothing is still important in order to help remain focused on the task at hand.
- Updated Loungewear: Many brands have elevated their loungewear items to better fabrics and patterns that can also pass as office appropriate.
- Casual Professional: Take advantage of the casual professional area of stores to see what items look comfortable and office ready; items could include pants, tops, sweaters, etc. that can be mix-matched with what you may already have.
- Accessories: Keep wardrobes personalized and fun while comfortable as well. Remain aware of having too many accessories even in the comfort of your home. Some jewelry pieces, such as bangles, can still make noise, especially over sensitive microphones during virtual meetings.
Looking for some statement pieces to elevate your royal flair? Check out our collection here!

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